Dr. Julia Evans O'Connell

Julia Evans O'Connell received her Ph.D. from Texas Christian University in December 2017 and joined the Department of Astronomy in September 2018. She works with Dr. Douglas Geisler determining the detailed chemical composition of Milky Way bulge clusters via high resolution spectroscopy. The ultimate goal of her research is to reconstruct the formation and evolutionary history of the Galaxy through the chemical enrichment of its various stellar populations. She specializes in measuring the chemical composition of large samples of stars by employing techniques of stellar spectroscopy.

Research Expertise & Interests:

  1. Heavy element synthesis and production sites for Galactic star clusters.
  2. Multiple Stellar Populations in Globular Clusters.
  3. Identification of disk Moving Groups via chemical composition.
  4. "Chemical-tagging" techniques to reconstruct the history of the Galaxy

  • office: 223
  • phone: +56 - 41 - 266 - 1651
  • e-mail: joconnell (at) astro (dash) udec (point) cl
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