Neil Nagar

Alternate Director

nagar (at)

N. Nagar is professor for astronomy at Universidad de Concepcion and co-PI of the proposal. He obtained his Ph.D. at the University of Maryland, USA in 2000, and held postdoctoral fellowships at Arcetri Observatory, Italy, and Kapteyn Institute, Netherlands, before joining UdeC as a Professor in 2004. He has established the astronomy radio lab in Concepcion and strongly contributed to the ALMA Phasing Project (APP), an essential step to include the phased ALMA into the EHT telescope. He is a full member of the EHT Collaboration (EHTC) and actively involved in the observational EHT science results. In particular, he is leading a key project to fully characterize ~60 nearby galaxies to identify ideal targets for the EHT. He is further leading active investigations to probe accretion dynamics using ALMA and optical/IR IFUs, and has extensive experience in Interferometry and VLBI.

Main Expertise

Neil Nagar is an expert on radio observations to explore supermassive black holes both in the local Universe and at high redshift. A strong current focus of the group is the participation in the Event Horizon Telescope and the exploration of the jet-launching scales in nearby AGN.