Dr. Silpa Sasikumar

Dr. Silpa Sasikumar is from Kerala, India. She received her PhD from the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), India in 2023. During her Ph.D., she worked towards addressing the long-standing question of what makes an AGN radio-quiet by using polarimetric techniques with the uGMRT and VLA. She is currently at Núcleo Milenio TITANs EHT Post-Doctoral Fellow working with Dr. Neil Nagar at the Departamento de Astronomía at Universidad de Concepción. Currently, her work is focused on extending the transformational science emerging from M87 and SgrA* to numerous nearby AGN which can be imaged at resolutions better than 100 gravitational radii using the EHT and ngEHT, and potentially resolving further black hole rings.

Research experience:⁣

  1. Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) ⁣
  2. Radio-quiet & low-luminosity AGN
  3. Outflows in AGN
  4. Formation & propagation of jets and winds in AGN
  5. Magnetic fields in AGN jets
  6. Radio interferometry & polarimetry

  • phone: +91 9868042379
  • e-mail: silpaskumar93 (at) gmail (point) com
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