Request an account

Please contact us to request an account. We will reply quickly.
Check how to acknowledge the usage of Kultrun in your publications/presentations here below.

Please send an email to with the following information:

  • your name and name of your supervisor if you are a student
  • short description of the science that is done
  • details on the code/software that is used and information on parallelisation strategy
  • amount of resources that is required for the project: estimate on number of CPUs per run, number of runs, memory at run-time, storage memory, size of output, regular or one-time use... etc. etc.
  • other info that you think is relevant or that we should know

  • The shared memory node should be used only for highly shared memory applications, so we suggest to revise the features of your code before asking access to this special node.

    Special access to this node can be granted upon discussion with the PIs of the project.

    How To Acknowledge Kultrun

    Please acknowledge in your papers or presentations at a workshop or conference the usage of computing time at Kultrun. If applicable, you should also add an acknowledgement if you received assistance concerning technical and implementation aspects in making your code and workflow run on the Kultrun resources.

    Example acknowledgements:

    "The authors acknowledge the Kultrun Astronomy Hybrid Cluster (projects Conicyt Programa de Astronomia FondoQuimal QUIMAL170001, Conicyt PIA ACT172033, and Fondecyt Iniciacion 11170268) for providing HPC resources that have contributed to the research results reported in this paper."


    "The computations/simulations were performed with resources provided by the Kultrun Astronomy Hybrid Cluster via the projects Conicyt Programa de Astronomia Fondo Quimal 2017 QUIMAL170001, Conicyt PIA ACT172033, and Fondecyt Iniciacion 11170268."