Welcome to Kultrun

This is Kultrun, a hybrid cluster hosted at the Department of Astronomy, University of Concepción, built to perform three-dimensional simulations of star-forming regions, black-holes, galaxy formation and evolution including chemistry and microphysics. It also provides tools for analysis of observational data and fits the requirement for heavy ALMA data reduction.

To know more about the science performed on Kultrun visit the Theory Group website and the Computational Astrochemistry Group page.
If you are curious about the role of Kultrun in Mapuche culture and a bit of history go here and here.
This cluster has been funded by projects Conicyt Quimal #170001, Anillo ACT172033, Fondecyt regular 1180291,
Fondecyt Iniciacion 11170268, Basal AFB-170002, and NĂșcleo Milenio Titans NCN19-058.